July 25, 2007


I am having a not so great time at the moment, trying to define who I am I think. It hit me on the weekend that my baby goes to school in 6 months....time has flown so quickly. I know its a good thing she is going, and she so needs it, but what about me? What am I going to do? I didnt get upset when my first two went to school, I never thought I would be one of those mums who stands bawling at the gate- I really dont want to be either, but I dont want to feel like noone needs me anymore. And this is it, its the last time I will have one of my kids around me- I have 6 months left with her and then its basically up to someone else isnt it. Ive learnt once they get to school thats it- your opinion matters but your not the most important thing in their universe any more!
Everyone is telling me look on the positive side- I can fly more-yay- scrap more, coffee more, clean the house without a helper.....I think I will just miss the noise....maybe


Peta said...

Why don't you get a casual job? It is great having your own money and really builds your self esteem.
I really enjoy the quiet, I must say.

Jules of Whimsicalnotions blog said...

you will miss the noise Joyce and her and you WILL cry ,but after a few weeks you will be loving it,and 3 o clock comes around real fast as do holidays.You would already know too she will still need you ,homework kindy dress up days book week parades etc you will be fine.

Peta said...

3 o'clock always comes soooo fast!