October 08, 2007

Hi all

Just a quick post to let you know I havent fallen off the face of the earth, have just been working full time, and then a lot of swimming as well

Is anyone on facebook? I am loving this site at the moment, if you are send me your name and or email address and I will add you

I have no idea whats happening in blogland either, will have to have a look today!!

Please keep Mel in your thoughts this week, she has had to have her baby yesterday at 29 weeks and 6 days and she is not well, hope all is good soon

Love and hugs

1 comment:

Britt- Sparkled Vintage Charm said...

I have always meant to get a facebook account. I have never been on there yet,but I have heard about it.
My prayers and big hugs for the new baby!!
xo Britt