November 13, 2007


Let me clarify my opinion on moving to everyone

First of all thanks for the well wishes, they are much appreciated

Here is my moving thing....This is move 34 in 11 years......NO I dont get sick of moving....yes Im obviously nomadic

Yes I unpack my boxes every time and throw them away thanks for pointing out to me that I may as well leave them packed


Let me ask you this...when was the last time you went and did something for yourselves? While we are moving around..yes it can be annoying and its horrid to do the cleaning and leave our friends look on the flip side

*We have been to amazing places in Australia
* Our kids have a wide general knowledge
* Our kids are not racist having lived in multi cultural and / or indigenous communities
* We have awesome photo albums of our experiences
* We have amazing memories of the people we have met and the places we have been

My son can light a fire and throw a spear, my daughters can talk about Australia and show much they love it, my husband has been snorkelling and fishing in remote areas, I am learning to fly, we have been hot air ballooning, we have acheived so many of our goals and dreams in NOW TIME rather than waiting till kids are grown up and we are reitred.

We go see and do lots of activities rather than sit home and complain that the house isnt clean enough, or worry about the boring day to day drudgery that weighs people downWe have a wide range of friends, from a wide range of areas, sure makes travelling fun, no matter where we go we always know somene or know friends of someone.

So rather than judge me on what you all think is wrong look at it from our point of view. WE LOVE OUR LIFE. We know we will eventually live in Darwin on a permanent basis, not when the kids are at school though. We also know that once the kids hit high school we will stop moving, high school is importnat ( well in the short term it is- long term we have never found our lack of completion to be an issue for either of us- and we didnt have year 12 exam stress and we actually enjoy our jobs now)

Yep maybe we dont conform to your idea of proper perfection and how we should live in one place our entire lives...but if we nver moved we wouldnt be us, and that would be boring wouldnt it.


Dementia : Our Story said...

Onya Joyce We moved about alot too in past years and it was always an adventure new people new places never boring Good Luck I don't envy the actual move but I believe Perth is gorgeous I'm sure you will love your new life By the way I sent your Tussie on Friday last week hopefully you get it before you go Linda

kellie said...

good on you Joyce I think you are doing whats right for you and your family so let know one judge you guys hey we are holidaying in Perth next year in June so if you are still there then we will have to catch up if not you are always welcome in Victoria so go guys follow your dreams and live life to the fullest !!!

Anonymous said...

Good on you. Wish you wern't going but. Am really going to miss you and your family. We have moved 27 times in 15 years, and life is wonderful. Have lots of friends and both my girls are very well balanced. I am glad to say we did settle down when the girls reached High School. Only 2 and a bit years and we can start again. All the best and all our love. Miss you lots Candy, Peter, Centaine, Roshelle and Grandma Betty

Peta said...

Who is hassling you about moving? If the kids aren't suffering then go for it, wish I could do the same!

micat said...

go girl... if anyone know's you guys well enough they will know it isnt upsetting the kids schooling... you have some of the smartist kids i know, and the most advanced 6 year old i know... it has been a plesure to be part of your life and the kids and i will miss you when you are gone but wish you the best in your adventures and do hope we cross pathes again one day... who knows with us in the army. mwah love you guys... as you already know its your lives no-one elses...

Tamara said...

ahhh..Poocak to them. You do what's right for the family - those on the high horses can just keep on galloping!

Anonymous said...

hi joyce!! Do what's best for you guys not what's best for whom ever is hassling you guys!! It's your life and your choice!! Come by and visit my new blog!! this blogging is TOO fun!! Mandii