September 28, 2007

Ive been tagged

HAVE BEEN TAGGED - 7 Random Things
I have been tagged by Alison at Creative Arts and Crafts.

Here is how it works. Once tagged, you give 7 random things about yourself that no one knows and then you tag 7 more bloggers to continue the tag. Then contact each one that you have tagged to let them know.

1. I am scared of heights but only up to 2 stories high- quite bizarre! I love the view from my plane window but I cant climb onto a roof!

2. I have moved around Australia twice- all except for Tasmania

3. I have a lypoma ( fat cell growth) on my tailbone.....cant see it in normal colthes though luckily!

4. I once sewed my finger to a sewimg machine.

5. I got kicked out of cooking classes twice- once when I set my teatowel on fire, and once when I made pumpkin scones- noone told me you had to COOK the pumpkin first!

6. I didnt get my lience until I was 22, and it was a week before Tarni was due.

7. I quite often get insomnia. Goes back to living with lack of sleep when I lived on the streets.....screwed my whole system up Im sure.

Now to tag 7 more bloggers. I hope you haven't already been tagged.
So lets all check out what they have to say once they post their 7 Random Things

I tag Lisa

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